Legion Grave Registrations

The data below contains Requests for Grave Registrations (REQ) and Grave Registration Records (REC.) Many of the veteran grave files also contain related paperwork, mostly pertaining to obtaining Government Tombstones for Veteran Graves. Obituaries, death notices, and a few military documents are sprinkled throughout the files. Some interesting local history can also be gathered from the letterheads used for some of the notes contained in these files as well.

These files are the result of the dedicated work of Albert C. Metter in his capacity as the Grave Registrar for American Legion Post 581 in Columbia, Illinois from 1927 to 1945 or so. These files also provide information for some Veterans in surrounding communities. I hope you will find them interesting and possibly helpful in your research. This are on cd and has been distributed to local libraries, genealogy societies, and preservation groups without cost and with the permission of Mrs. Florence Haberl, the daughter of Albert Metter. All other rights are retained.

Submitted by Vernon Ritter

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Requests / Letters / Misc Items

To view a surname click the letter it begins with.

A B  C D E   F G H I  J K  L M N   O P Q R  S T U V  W X Y Z

Wagner, Isadore Note from Geo Wagner.
Wagner, Isadore Grave registration record.
Wagner, Isadore Request to record grave.
Wagner, Maximilian Grave registration record.
Wagner, Maximilian Note on backside of grave registration card.
Wagner, Maximilian Request to record grave.
Wall, Columbus Grave registration record.
Wall, Columbus Note on backside of grave registration card.
Wall, Columbus Request to record grave.
Warnock, Joseph Grave registration record.
Warnock, Joseph Request to record grave.
Watson, Wilburn Misc note stating the mother request a low stone. June 1, 1949
Watson, Wilburn Honorable discharge paper for Wilburn Watson.
Watson, Wilburn Back side of discharge paper is Enlisted Record of Wilburn Watson.
Watson, Wilburn Letter from Albert Dashner, Dashner Funeral Home, certifying that he received the remains of Wilburn Watson.
Watson, Wilburn Letter to Mr. Watson, advising that a Free Government Flat Granite Headstone has been ordered for the grave of your son. 
Watson, Wilburn Letter to Mr. Metter stating his application for a headstone was approved.
Watson, Wilburn Statement for the setting of headstone.
Watson, Wilburn Statement for setting of Headstone at Palmer Cemetery.
Watson, Wilburn Grave registration record.
Watson, Wilburn Request to record grave.
Weinland, Henry Grave registration record.
Weinland, Henry Grave registration record.
Weinland, Henry Note on back of grave registration record.
Weinland, Henry Request to record grave.
Weissling, Andrew Request to record grave.
Werner, William Misc note.
Werner, William Bill for Fred Harres  to cover setting of stone.
Werner, William Statement from Fred Harres
Werner, William Obituary
Werner, William Grave registration record.
Werner, William Request to record grave.
Wessel, Elmer Bill for Fred Harres setting of several stones.
Wessel, Elmer Grave registration record.
Wessel, Elmer Request to record grave.
Wild, Alvin H Note stating Cemetery block and lot
Wild, Alvin H Letter verifying headstone approved and will be shipped when completed.
Wild, Alvin H Grave registration record.
Wild, Alvin H Note on back of grave registration record.
Wild, Alvin H Request to record grave.
Wild, George Misc note.
Wild, George Letter asking for list of all ex-soldiers buried in them
Wild, George Letter asking for a copy of discharge of Alvin and George Wild.
Wild, George Verification that stone was ordered and will be shipped when complete.
Wild, George Letter about stones for Alvin and George Wild.
Wild, George Bill from Missouri Pacific Railroad for shipping.
Wild, George Grave registration record.
Wild, George Request to record grave.
Wild, Fred Grave registration record.
Wild, Fred Request to record grave.
Williams, Edward Grave registration record.
Williams, Edward Note on back of grave registration record.
Williams, Edward Request to record grave.
Wiskamp, Fred Grave registration record.
Wiskamp, Fred Request to record grave.
Wolf, Conrad Grave registration record.
Wolf, Conrad Request to record grave.
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Zahn, John Grave registration record.
Zahn, John Note on back of grave registration record.
Zahn, John Request to record grave.
Zweig, Fredrich Grave registration record.
Zweig, Fredrich Note on back of grave registration record.
Zweig, Fredrich Request to record grave.