The Waterloo Paper January 11, 1915 New Year’s Wake A New Year’s wake was given by Miss Josephine Scharfenberger to her friends. As the old year made its exit into history and the New Year took its place, the young folks enjoyed themselves playing games and doing Sylvester eve tricks. An excellent luncheon was served and after wishing each other A Happy New Year, the guests departed hoping to assemble again for the same purpose next year. Annual Church Meeting At the regular meeting of the St. Paul’s Evangelical Church which was held on New Years day, William E. Eilbracht and Louis A. Weihl were elected as trustees for the ensuing three years. Andrew Lutz, August Landmann and Michael Reitz were selected to examine the books of the treasurer, Louis A. Weihl. Nine new members were taken up as follows, William Haltenhof, Philip Kraft, Philip A. Kraft, Chalres Lenhardt, Charles Nobbe, William Nobbe, Fred Nobbe, Louis Osterhage and Adam Wetzel. At this meeting it was also decided by the members that permission be granted to let the Frauenverein fulfill their long desired wish of building an alcove to the church. A building committee consisting of Alois J. Koenigsmark, Charles Liebheit and George W. Ziebold were selected together with the trustees to aid the Frauenverein in selecting a suitable plan and proceed to get things in shape to get an early start in the spring. It was also decided that hereafter the church is to take up at half past nine o’clock in the morning the whole year around. Also that no funeral services are to be held in the church earlier than three o’clock in the afternoon on Sundays, this is done so that it will not interfere with the Sunday school.