The Columbia Star March 15, 1928 Local New Items Adam Kurtz was painfully injured at the quarry Monday when a heavy iron beam fell on his foot badly crushing it. A number from here went to Red Bud Wednesday afternoon. Gov. Small spoke there at the high school auditorium. The crowd was estimated at about 3000. the governor delivered an excellent address. The Monroe County Bankers’ Federation met at the Southern Hotel at Waterloo Tuesday evening and elected officers for the ensuing year as follows: H.N. Kunz, president, Philip Klein, vice president; Jacob F. Schmidt, secretary and Russell Gregson, Treasurer. A discussion of the 19.8 crop situation led the bankers to believe that diversified farming is a surer way of making a good living than by specialization of wheat. Reports showed that the winter wheat crop was badly damaged and unless the farmer diversifies his crop it will mean a big loss. Truck farming, dairy farming and fruit culture all were agreed as suited to this locality, so close to the St. Louis markets. It was told at the meeting that some Monroe County farmers received 300 a mouth from the sale of milk. Transcribed by Jean Jung