The Waterloo Republican Thursday, March 8, 1900 MONROE CITY George Wiesenborn was in town Sunday. Tom Bechlers visited our burg last Saturday. John Ulgman transacted business in our town Saturday. The Monroe City band practiced Sunday and they are doing very well. Miss Louisa Hencke was the guest of Miss Johanna Baum last Saturday. While carrying a stove George Hutter slipped and fell and bruised himself. Ed. Powderly and Louis Baum transacted business in the county hub last Saturdya. After a ten months sojourn in St. Louis Miss Frances Helfrich returned to her home in our burg last week. Gus and Miss Addie Hoffmann passed through our burg Sunday enroute to Moredock Lake, where Miss Addie is teaching school. Ed. Went out sleighing the other evening and had very bad luck. First he upset his best girl in the snow, after getting his sleigh in running order and driving a while he found himself tangled up in the telephone wires. Try again, Ed.