The Waterloo Times November 12, 1915 IVY LANDING Lee Fults, who has been sick, is slowly recovering. The dance at Ivy last Saturday night was well attended. Dan Hergenroeder is busy building a new garage for his auto. William Barry is busily engaged erecting a new smoke-house. William Stahl attended the dance at Chalfin Bridge last Saturday night. Floyd Tongay spent Saturday night and Sunday at Kemper’s Landing. Mr. and Mrs. John Rohrs were visiting Mr. Charles Lutmann last Sunday. Jacob Stahl, Accompanied by Miss Ida Fischer, was out driving Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Jos. Bertram and son Oscar spent a few days of the past week in East St. Louis. Mrs. Don Fults and children spent Saturday afternoon with Walter Diertz and family. Philip Huebner is making trios to Kemper’s Landing quite regularly. How about it Philip? Miss Loretta Tongay spent several days of last week as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Grittmann. Joseph Kemper, Jr., spent Sunday afternoon at Ivy Landing and was entertained by Loretta Tongay. Joseph Rentemann has moved his tent and fishing outfit to the river where he will spend most of his time. Stockholders of Fults telephone line No. 6 held their annual meeting at Ivy Landing last Saturday night, Nov. 20. Freddie Bollmann and Bennie Fick of St. Louis spent last Sunday with their friend Henry Fults at Kemper’s Landing. In spite of the cool weather which we are having at present, Wendel Valentine and children were out autoing Sunday afternoon. The new house which is being built for Joseph Kemper at Kemper’s Landing will be completed in a few days by the local carpenter, Reinhardt Hartmann. Jacob Sheer and several friends came down from St. Louis in a gasoline launch and spent a few days at Kemper’s Landing fishing. They returned home Saturday. A little child of Paul Niemeier died Sunday night about one o’clock. This was quite a sad affair as the child was found dead. We sympathize with the parents in the loss of their dear one.