The Waterloo Times May 6, 1942 EAST FULTS Oscar Guttmann made a business trip to Valmeyer one day last week. Ray Herzog and Herbert Oelzen made a business trip to East St. Louis Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Scheibe made a business trip to Missouri one day of the past week. Casper Johnson and son Bobby of St. Louis visited with his parents on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Gruenewald of St. Louis spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John N. Buettner. Mrs. William Kunkel and son Junior and daughter Violet called on friends near Red Bud last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Roever of St. Louis spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Nick May Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schmieg and family spent Sunday afternoon with her mother Mrs. Stena Guttmann. Quite a few relatives and friends helped Mrs. Walter Mehrtens celebrated her birthday Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Vogt of Columbia visited with her daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. Jake Fults Monday evening. Miss Violet Kunkel, who is employed in Columbia, spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. William Kunkel. Mr. and Mrs. William Fausz and family of Renault visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roever Sunday afternoon.