Wedding Bells The Waterloo Times Feb 12, 1915 Prominent Monroe Co. Couple married Tuesday Morning. The bells in Sts. Peter and Paul’s church ran out in joyous peals Tuesday morning announcing that two hearts were about to be joined into one and that cupid had again been successful in the battle of love. At 8 o’clock high mass, Rev. C. Krewet officiating, Miss Mary Annie, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schuler, was married to Mr. Philip Frierdich, son of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Frierdich. The parents of both are prominent farmers residing north of this city. Miss Cecilia Kleyer, cousin of the groom, acted as bridesmaid, while Charles Schuler, only brother of the bride, officiated as the groom’s best man. The bride was handsomely gowned in a white satin dress trimmed with elegant lace. She wore a veil and carried a bouquet of white roses. Her maid was attired in a pink silk poplin, trimmed in pink messaline with cream net and carried a bouquet of pink carnations. The groom and groomsman wore the conventional black. After the ceremony the bridal part repaired to the home of the bride’s parents where an excellent wedding dinner was served and a real old-time wedding celebration, which wound up with a dance in the evening, took place. A jolly crowd was present and the celebration was kept up until the “wee sina” hours of daylight began to peep. The young couple went to housekeeping in St. Louis where the groom owns a grocery store. Their may friends throughout the (article cut off here)