Waterloo Republican February 27, 1907 Word was received here Monday morning that Mrs. Daniel Rey died at a hospital in St. Louis. The death of Mrs. Rey was unusually sad and peculiar. About ten days ago she was visiting with a friend in the Bottom and, so the report goes, had the misfortune to run a splinter under her finger nail. Little was thought of the occurrence. In company with her husband she went to St. Louis for a few days visit. Mr. Rey returned home leaving his wife in the city. Sunday he was horrified to receive the news that his wife was dying in the hospital with tetanus. The little, seemingly insignificant splinter had in the meantime done its deadly work. At the time of writing this the funeral arrangements had not been made. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the sorrowing husband in his most sad bereavement. Transcribed and submitted by Wayne Rey