St. Paul's Evangelical Church
Waterloo, Illinois
Authorized Feb. 15, 1926 Dedicated Sep. 11, 1927
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HISTORY OF THE ERECTION AND DEDICATION OF St. Paul's Evangelical Parish House Waterloo, Illinois Waterloo, Illinois September 12, 1928 At the dedication of the new Parish House it was state that the Congregation's dream had now come true. The members of the St. Paul's Evangelical Church felt this to be a fact. For many years the matter had been discussed in Congregational meetings and among the members of the various societies of the church. The Pastor remembers mentioning it from the pulpit as early as 1919, shortly after the new pipe organ had been installed, as a goal toward which all should work. With the steady increase of church activities, the desire for adequate accommodations and conveniences became more and more pronounced. The Sunday School having grown to such proportions that it was impossible to find room for all classes, a Y. P. L. having been organized, a Brotherhood started, a Church Band having weekly rehearsals, the Sunday School Band also needing room for meetings, the various Church Choirs requiring a few nights each week for rehearsals, the requirements for Church Council meetings, Executive Committee meetings, meetings of the various societies, Y. P. L. Orchestra, etc., etc., made it impossible to accommodate all church activities in the old school and confirmation room and the members of the church realized that something would have to be done if the happy growth of the church and associate organizations should continue. During all these years of agitation the societies and the Sunday School never lost sight of the goal and faithfully worked for the purpose of raising funds for the erection of a new church hall, as it was then called. The Ladies Aid Society gave suppers and bazaars, and the Y. P. L. presented plays, and slowly but surely the fund grew, and with the increase of this fund the Congregation as such was encouraged to finally make the decision to erect a new building. The Congregation did not enter into this building program hurriedly or thoughtlessly. The men appointed on the building committees served faithfully, thoroughly studying the needs of all organizations in the church, estimating the cost and the up-keep of a new building, in other words, moving along cautiously step by step, until the final plans were finally presented for acceptance. In the annual meeting of the St. Paul's Congregation held in January, 1921, a motion was made and carried that a building committee should be appointed by the President of the Church for the purpose of formulating plans for the erection of a new Church Hall to be presented to the congregation for final action. The following members were appointed: Wm. Grosse, Dr. E. F. Stallmann, E. G. Goeddel, J. F. Schmidt, Louis Kolmer, A. J. Koenigsmark, A. B. Pinkel, Geo. W. Ziebold, H. E. Gauen, J. F. Wm. Binder, Louis Osterhage, W. C. Heyl, and Louis A. Weihl. This committee met for the first time on Jan. 15, 1922. After opening the meeting with prayer by Rev. G. F. Brink, William Grosse was elected chairman, and Dr. E. F. Stallmann Secretary. The Committee was divided into two sub-committees: namely, a Finance Committee, of which E. G. Goeddel was chairman, and a Building committee, of which H. E. Gauen was chairman. In this meeting it was decided "to engage an architect for plans and advice." Three weeks later another meeting was called at which architect A. Meyer, of St. Louis, Mo., was present. He was given ideas as to what kind of building was needed and instructed to present rough sketches and plans for discussion at the next meeting. This was done and the plans presented were thoroughly discussed and minor changes made during subsequent meetings. During this whole year the location of the new building, the initial cost and the up-keep were exhaustively studied. It was found that the approximate cost of the building would be $38,000. The Committee felt that the Congregation could not adopt an elaborate plan of this kind, hence the following report was made at the annual meeting of the Congregation, January 7, 1923. "After taking into consideration the cost of building, including equipment and amount required for its up-keep, the committee discovered that a proposition of this kind would place an obligation upon the Congregation that would be out of question to consider at this time. The Committee, however, is still active. A new idea has developed which was presented at our meeting Friday evening. Before being able to make and intelligent report on same, it will be necessary to consult the architect. The Committee, therefore, desires an extension of time to make its final report." This was granted by the Congregation. The minutes of the previous meeting reveal what new plan the Committee had in mind. The following paragraph enlightens us: "It was agreed that a new proposition, namely, building church foundation and using same for new hall be submitted to an architect for plans and suggestions." Nothing of consequence was accomplished during the year 1923. Meetings were held and lively discussions took place. The Pastor, knowing the condition of the parsonage, wished to make provision for a new parsonage in the building program and offered suggestions. The following paragraph, taken from the Dec. 23, 1923 meeting minutes, refers to these discussions: "Possibility of turning the parsonage into a Sunday School discussed. Idea of acquiring property north of church discussed. Idea of interviewing an architect to study situation and draw up plans discussed. Idea of tearing down parsonage and constructing a hall there was discussed. In this meeting it was also decided, "to visit other communities to see what they have and possibly get some ideas." In the congregational meeting held on Jan. 6, 1924, the building Committee found it impossible to make a complete report and again asked for more time, which was willingly granted. During this year not much was done and the members of the committee apparently lost hope of ever arriving at anything definite and satisfactory to the Congregation, not realizing that their faithful and exhaustive study of the situation really became the foundation upon which the newly appointed committee could begin the work of making definite plans for the erection of a new Parish House. In the meeting of
the Congregation held on Jan 11, 1925, chairman Wm. Grosse gave a
comprehensive verbal report and made the motion "to discharge the old hall
committee and the president of the Congregation appoint a new committee of
eight members to act as the hall committee."
Motion carried. The following were appointed to constitute the new buildings committee: A. J. Koenigsmark, Dr. E. F. Stallmann, Geo. W. Ziebold, Armin Pinkel, U. J. Heyl, Wm. Grosse, W. C. Heyl and Louis Osterhage. A. J. Koenigsmark was appointed chairman and Dr. E. F. Stallman secretary. U. J. Heyl was appointed chairman of the finance committee consisting of the chairman and Geo. W. Ziebold and Armin Pinkel; William Grosse was appointed chairman of the sub-building committee, the personnel of which was the chairman, W. C. Heyl and Louis Osterhage. Regular meetings were held and it was found that much of the work of the previous committee proved to be of great service to the new Committee. Matters had become clarified and ideas had crystallized, which is shown by the following paragraph taken from the minutes of the Feb. 16, 1925 meeting: "Location and kind of building discussed from every angle, after which general sentiment seemed to be in favor of unit plan of church and hall on church property." The committee began to realize that provisions must be made for a new church in the not too far distant future and that it would be wise to take this into consideration, therefore the unit plan seemed the most feasible, which provides that a new church can be added to the new hall. On Sept 1, 1925, the Committee employed the services of A. B. Frankel, of East St. Louis, Ill. After lengthy consultation, Mr. Frankel agreed to furnish floor plans for complete unit of hall, and new church to be built later. In the meeting of the congregation Feb. 15, 1926, the building Committee chairman, A. J. Koenigsmark, gave an exhaustive verbal report stating that the Committee was now ready to present complete plans to the congregation for the erection of a new church hall. The following paragraph taken from the minutes of this meeting shows what action was taken on this report: "After a thorough discussion of the matter, A. J. Koenigsmark made a motion and Dr. E. F. Stallmann seconded the motion that the congregation authorize the Building Committee with full power to act to proceed with the construction of a hall at the approximate estimate of fifty-six thousand dollars as submitted." Now the work of erection a new building could begin in earnest. U. J. Heyl, chairman of the finance committee, had prepared subscription lists which were immediately circulated during the congregational meeting, and the response of the members present was so gratifying that everybody went home rejoicing, realizing that the long cherished dream of a new church hall should now at least come true. The Subscription lists were circulated through the whole congregation and on May 2, 1926, chairman U. J. Heyl reported subscriptions amounting to $30,009.10. Things began to move quickly now. The architect's final plans were formally accepted on July 9, 1926. Instructions were given to advertise for bids from contractors. On August 7, 1926, the bids received were opened by the Committee. Mr. F. A. Neuhaus, Red Bud, Ills., submitted the lowest bid and was awarded the contract for the sum of $45,400.00. The plumbing contract was later awarded Fisher Brothers, of this city, for the sum of $1145.00. Next the question of what kind of brick to use had to be settled. Many meetings were held before a majority vote could be gotten. Finally brick No. 81 submitted by the Alton Brick Co. was selected to the satisfaction of all. The heating system, too, was a question which caused much discussion. Some were in favor of the vapor system and others of the warm air fan system. After much consideration and re-consideration the majority vote was cast for the vapor system and Mr. Schuette, of Red Bud, Illinois, was given the contract for the sum of $3225.00. Work on the new building was progressing nicely and as the work of the finance committee decreased, the work of the sub-building committee increased. Wm. Grosse, chairman, and his committee were alert making many decisions of minor importance which the building committee had delegated to them. The cornerstone was laid with appropriate services on Sunday afternoon, October 31, 1926, Rev. G. F. Brink and Rev. J. Nollau making the addresses. Visiting pastors made appropriate remarks and the Church Band accompanied the congregational singing. During the winter months work on the new building progressed satisfactorily in spite of adverse weather conditions. On June 20, 1927, bids for electric light fixtures were opened and contract awarded to the lowest bidder, namely the Pinkel Merc. Co., at a cost of $313.00. At this time the question of equipment for the new building became and important problem. Here is where the societies took a great load off the shoulders of the Building Committee. The Ladies Aid Society decided to equip the kitchen and dining room at a cost of over $3000.00. The Y. P. L. volunteered to purchase stage equipment costing more than one thousand dollars. The Brotherhood decided to purchase the auditorium chairs at an approximate cost of $1700.00. The present Trustees and ex-Trustees of the church furnished the office equipment at a cost of almost $400.00. The Sunday School furnished window screens for the basement at a cost of $155.74. Furthermore individuals in the congregation donated many useful articles which cannot all be mentioned. However the donations made in memory of departed loved ones must receive honorable mention here.
Memoriam In loving memory of their Daughter and Sister Miss Leonora Eilbracht, who was a faithful Sunday School Worker in this Church up to the time of her departure, the entire Sunday School Equipment was presented to St. Paul's Evangelical Church by Mr. and Mrs. E. Eilbracht and their Son Winfield Eilbracht. In loving memory of their parents Mr. Jacob J. and Mrs. Dorothy Koenigsmark and Mrs. Fredericka Koenigsmark the Grand Piano in the Auditorium was presented to the St. Paul's Evangelical Congregation by A. J. Koenigsmark, C. H. Koenigsmark, M. A. Koenigsmark, R. J. Koenigsmark, Willis Koenigsmark, Mrs. Amanda Hauptfleisch and Mrs. Alyda Wallhaus. In loving memory of their Mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Loehr, Standards at the Entrance were presented to the Congregation by her Two Daughters Mrs. John F. Schmidt and Mrs. Dina Sass. In loving memory of their sister Mrs. Lena Borntraeger-Kalmer the picture of Christ in Gethsemane was presented to the Congregation by Mrs. Charles Lutz and Mrs. Lulu Meyers. The Hall Clock and Chimes were dedicated to the loving memory of Mr. Herman Killy by his Wife Mrs. H. F. Killy and his Children William E. Killy, Mrs. Louis A. Grosse and Mrs. Henry R. Fischer. On August 19, 1927, the Building Committee met for final acceptance of the new building. Up to this time we have called the new building the Church Hall. It was however decided by the committee that the new building henceforth should be known as the St. Paul's Evangelical Parish House. On August 19, 1927, the Building Committee met for final acceptance of the new Parish House. The following paragraph is taken from the minutes of this meeting: "The Committee made a thorough investigation of the new Parish House after which it was regularly moved by Rev. G. F. Brink and seconded by Louis Osterhage that the Committee accept the new Parish House in the name of the St. Pauls Evangelical Congregation, Waterloo, Illinois, relieving the architect, Mr. A. B. Frankel, and the contractor Mr. F. A. Neuhaus, of all further responsibility, ordering all money due them for services rendered, paid in full, discharging them with sincere thanks for the conscientious manner in which all obligations were met. Motion carried. It was decided to formally dedicate the Parish House to the service of the Almighty God on Sunday afternoon, Sept., 11, 1927. To properly commemorate this important event it is perhaps well to insert a copy of the Program at this place. PLACE PIC HERE Program Dedication of the St. Paul's Evangelical Parish House, Waterloo, Illinois,
Sunday afternoon, September 11, 1927. Preliminary Service at the entrance of the Parish House. Opening Sentence ... ..Pastor. The Contractor, Mr. F. A. Neuhaus, upon making announcement of the completion of the building, presents the key to the President of the Building Committee, Mr. A. J. Koenigsmark. The President of the Church, Mr. John Pieper, then accepts the key from the President of the Building Committee and announces that by virtue of his office he accepts the building in the name of the St. Paul's Evangelical Congregation, Waterloo, Illinois, whereupon the Pastor Rev. G. F. Brink, unlocks the door, admitting the Congregation to the building. Service In Auditorium Invocation Pastor Song by Congregation .Evangelical Hymnal No. 415 Dedicatory Prayer ..Pastor Anthem- "Make Me A Sanctuary" Lorenz Church Choir, Miss Cornelia Gaertner, Director Scripture Reading . ..Pastor Anthem-"The House of The Lord" ....A. L. Ashford Church Choir Sermon- Dr. S. D. Press, D. D., President, Eden Theological Seminary Song by Congregation, No. 247, and Offering. Announcements .. Pastor Greetings . Guest Pastors Lord's Prayer in Unison Benediction and Doxology Program of Activities A whole week of dedicatory activities followed the dedication proper. A copy of the activities during the week follows: Monday night - Sunday School Pageant - Cafeteria Lunch. Tuesday Aid Society Night 4:30 to 7:45, Chicken supper. Service in Auditorium 8:30, Rev. H. Streich, Speaker. Wednesday Y. P. L. Night Program in Auditorium, 7:30, Music and Speaking. Rev. J. C. Keppel, Speaker. Thursday Brotherhood Night Program in Auditorium 7:30, Address by Rev. Paul Press, St. Louis, Mo. Brotherhood banquet I dining hall at 8:30 for all Brotherhood men. Entertainment in auditorium during banquet for other visitors. Friday Music Night featuring Orchestra, Sunday School Band, Church Choir, Aid Society Choir, and Brotherhood Choir. Address by Rev. E. J. Westerbeck. A. J. Koenigsmark, President Dr. E. F. Stallman, Sec. and Treas. Urban Heyl William Grosse Geo. W. Ziebold Louis Osterhage Armin Pinkel Wm. C. Heyl Rev. G. F. Brink, Pastor Miss Cornelia Gaertner, Rec. Sec.
Council Members John Pieper, President Armin L. Kolmer, Secretary August Bodenbach, Treas. Conrad Koenigsmark Louis Mueller Philip A. Kraft Emil J. Mueller Mrs. Christine Wolf H. E. Haugtfleisch Mrs. Margaret Bersche Sylvan Jaenke Edwin A. Jaenke
Miss Dorothy Werling
Miss Ethel Sennott Great crowds were present at all services and activities. Visitors came from far and near and all were delighted with the beauty of the new building and its equipment. Many were the compliments received from those who inspected the building. We are proud of our new Parish House. We believe that it was God's will that we built it. We are thankful to God for the beautiful spirit of service and cooperation manifested by the members of the Building Committee, the Church Council and all the members of the church. Animated discussions took place in committee meetings, but the majority ruled and the minority made the will of the majority their own and went to work. No friction of any kind developed and like on large happy family the good people of St. Paul's at Waterloo, Illinois, dedicated their new Parish House to the service of God. Respectfully submitted Rev. G. F. Brink Dr. E. F. Stallman, Secretary and Treasurer, has given the report on donations as you will find them tabulated. A complete and accurate record has been kept by him and a receipt has been issued to each donor for his donation. Stub receipts and the accounts as kept by him are kept on file by the Trustees of the Church. An auditing committee consisting of W. C. Heyl, Louis Goeddel and Marie Fults audited the books of the Secretary and Treasurer and found them to be correct. |
Adelsberger, Mrs. Louisa M. | $ 50.00 | Kraft, Charles B. | $ 5.00 | |
Adelsberger, Bransford L. | $ 25.00 | Kropp, John | $ 5.00 | |
Agnew, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph | $ 20.00 | Kruse, Mrs. Jacob | $ 5.00 | |
Amend, Christine | $ 10.00 | Kuhn, Mr. and Mrs. George P. and family | $ 30.00 | |
Berger, Mrs. Elizabeth | $ 300.00 | Kuehner, Mrs. M. | $ 5.00 | |
Bersche, Jacob | $ 100.00 | Kurt, Charles F. | $ 5.00 | |
Bersche, Raymond | $ 25.00 | Ladies Aid Society St. P. Ev. | $ 9,137.14 | |
Bersche, Fridolin | $ 25.00 | Landman, Mr. and Mrs. August | $ 25.00 | |
Bertram, Mrs. J. C. | $ 25.00 | Landman, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. | $ 25.00 | |
Bechtold, Malinda | $ 10.00 | Laub, Bertha | $ 25.00 | |
Bechtold, Viola | $ 10.00 | Lenhardt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles | $ 100.00 | |
Bersche, Mrs. Urban | $ 10.00 | Lenhardt, Mr. and Mrs. George | $ 100.00 | |
Bersche, MR. and Mrs. Fred H. | $ 10.00 | Lenhardt, Louis and family | $ 50.00 | |
Bestman, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur | $ 10.00 | Leister, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver B. | $ 25.00 | |
Bestman, Mr. and Mrs. Christian | $ 5.00 | Lemon, Mrs. Louisa | $ 10.00 | |
Bickelhaupt, Louis | $ 300.00 | Lenhardt, Louise | $ 5.00 | |
Binder, Mr. and MRs. J. F. W. | $ 200.00 | Liebheit, Elizabeth | $ 50.00 | |
Binder, Morris | $ 50.00 | Limbach, Mr. and Mrs. Henry | $ 25.00 | |
Bickelhaupt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry | $ 25.00 | Lich, Mr. and Mrs. Louis and Elmer | $ 15.00 | |
Binder, Charles L. | $ 15.00 | Lich, Louisa | $ 5.00 | |
Binder, George | $ 10.00 | Lich, Charles | $ 5.00 | |
Bickelhaupt, Mrs. Anna M. | $ 20.00 | Lohkamp, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. | $ 25.00 | |
Bickelhaupt, Edna | $ 10.00 | Loehr, Mr. and Mrs. Christ | $ 20.00 | |
Bickelhaupt, Elenore | $ 10.00 | Losse, Mr. and Mrs. Walter | $ 20.00 | |
Boxmeyer, Mr., Mrs. Valentine | $ 100.00 | Losse, Mrs. Frieda | $ 5.00 | |
Bodenbach, Mr. and Mrs. A. | $ 75.00 | Loehr, Esther | $ 5.00 | |
Boxmeyer, Mr. and Mrs. Richard and family | $ 50.00 | L. O. P. H. Club, Mrs. Harry Arnin, Treasurer | $ 5.00 | |
Bode, Mr. and Mrs. Louis | $ 50.00 | Lutz, Lena E. | $ 100.00 | |
Bode, Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. | $ 25.00 | Lutz, Mr. and Mrs. Charles | $ 35.00 | |
Boo, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob | $ 20.00 | Lutz, Mrs. Fred | $ 10.00 | |
Bode, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. F. | $ 10.00 | Matzenbacher, Mr. and Mrs. Adam | $ 50.00 | |
Bode, Mr. and Mrs. Herman | $ 10.00 | Matzenbacher, Louis and family | $ 25.00 | |
Boxmeyer, Mr. and Mrs. Fred | $ 10.00 | Mathews, Christina | $ 5.00 | |
Boxmeyer, Albert | $ 10.00 | Maus, Mrs. Louisa | $ 5.00 | |
Brotherhood St. Pauls Evang | $ 2,271.80 | Metzger, L. J. | $ 150.00 | |
Brink, Rev. and Mrs. G. F. | $ 125.00 | Metzger, Wm. | $ 25.00 | |
Brink, Mr. and Mrs. Lenord | $ 25.00 | Metzger, Fred A. | $ 25.00 | |
Bremser, Lena | $ 5.00 | Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Fred | $ 25.00 | |
Bremser, Mrs. Philip | $ 5.00 | Meyers, Mrs. Lulu | $ 20.00 | |
Burckhardt, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. | $ 50.00 | Methier, Mr. and Mrs. George | $ 10.00 | |
Burckhardt, Mr. and Mrs. Julius J. | $ 25.00 | Methier, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. | $ 10.00 | |
Burckhardt, Mr. and Mrs. John | $ 25.00 | Meyer, Oscar | $ 10.00 | |
Burckhardt, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. | $ 25.00 | Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. John | $ 5.00 | |
Burckhardt, Elmer C. | $ 15.00 | Miller, Mrs. George Jr. | $ 15.00 | |
Burckhardt, Earl | $ 10.00 | Miller, Mrs. L. J. | $ 10.00 | |
Butterweck, Mrs. Annie | $ 5.00 | Mohr, Mr. and Mrs Roy G. | $ 10.00 | |
Congrad, Mrs. Gus | $ 5.00 | Mohr, Mrs. K. | $ 5.00 | |
Crook, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. | $ 25.00 | Mohme, Mrs. Henry | $ 5.00 | |
Crook, George A. | $ 25.00 | Mueller, Mr. and Mrs. Emil J. | $ 100.00 | |
Crook, Albert | $ 20.00 | Mueller, Mr. and Mrs. Louis | $ 50.00 | |
Crowe, Mrs. T. J. | $ 15.00 | Mueller, Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. | $ 25.00 | |
Crook, Mrs. Barbara | $ 10.00 | Mueller, Louis G. | $ 25.00 | |
Bramer, MRs. Elizabeth | $ 10.00 | Mueller, Mrs. Geo. and Lisette | $ 10.00 | |
Crowe, Thomas P. | $ 5.00 | Mueller, Mr. and Mrs. Fred | $ 10.00 | |
Dalkert, Esther | $ 5.00 | Mueller, Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand | $ 5.00 | |
Dalkert, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. V. | $ 50.00 | Mueller, Luella | $ 5.00 | |
Dalkert, Louise | $ 25.00 | Mueller, Ervin | $ 5.00 | |
Dalkert, Herman | $ 10.00 | Neusel, Henry | $ 5.00 | |
DePuyt, Mrs. Christine | $ 50.00 | Neusel, Mr. and Mrs. August | $ 2.00 | |
DeRousse, Mrs. Louis | $ 25.00 | Neusel, Caroline | $ 1.00 | |
Dilly, Mrs. Joseph and Barbara Mueckenheimer | $ 5.00 | Neusel, A. | $ 1.00 | |
Distelkamp, Mrs. Elizabeth | $ 5.00 | Neusel, Wm. | $ 1.00 | |
Dietz, Lena | $ 5.00 | Nobbe, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. | $ 125.00 | |
Douglas, C. M. | $ 100.00 | Nobbe, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jr. | $ 50.00 | |
Doelitzsch, Julius | $ 5.00 | Nobbe, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sr. | $ 40.00 | |
Doelitzsch, Mrs. Lena | $ 5.00 | Nobbe, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sr. | $ 20.00 | |
Dryden, Mrs. Jas. W. Jr. | $ 5.00 | Noll, Mrs. Flora Oldendorf | $ 5.00 | |
Durrer, Mr. and Mrs. Henry | $ 10.00 | Nobbe, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jr. | $ 3.00 | |
Duel, Mr. and Mrs. Fred | $ 5.00 | Oerter, John | $ 15.00 | |
Eilbracht, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. and son Winfield Eilbracht in honor of daughter Lenora | $ 772.00 | Oldendorf, Wm. L. | $ 100.00 | |
Eilbracht, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. | $ 100.00 | Oldendorf, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. | $ 50.00 | |
Eichelman, Mr. and Mrs. George and son | $ 20.00 | Oldendorf, A. W. | $ 10.00 | |
Engelbrecht, Arthur | $ 5.00 | Oldendorf, Wm. Sr. | $ 10.00 | |
Erd, Paul | $ 2.00 | Osterhage, Louis and family | $ 100.00 | |
Fauss, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob | $ 20.00 | Osterhage, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. | $ 25.00 | |
Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob | $ 200.00 | Osterhold, Mrs. Lulu | $ 1.00 | |
Fischer, Frieda | $ 25.00 | Petro & Hill | $ 70.60 | |
Fischer, Mrs. Margaret | $ 5.00 | Pinkel, A. B. | $ 500.00 | |
Fischer, H. R. | $ 5.00 | Pieper, Mr. and Mrs. John | $ 175.00 | |
Frankel, A. B. (architect) Perspective | $(140.00) | Pieper, Louis | $ 25.00 | |
Frenzel, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. | $ 50.00 | Pieper, Wm. | $ 5.00 | |
Fridrichs, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. | $ 25.00 | Quernheim, Mr. and Mrs. Herman | $ 100.00 | |
Frierdich, Mr. and Mrs. Jake | $ 10.00 | Quernheim, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur | $ 100.00 | |
Fults, Mr. and Mrs. L. | $ 40.00 | Quernheim, Olga S. | $ 60.00 | |
Fults, Marie | $ 25.00 | Quernheim, Mr. and Mrs. Alb. G. | $ 35.00 | |
Fults, Admiral D. | $ 25.00 | Quernheim, Emil | $ 20.00 | |
Fults, Lamont | $ 5.00 | Quernheim, Edna | $ 10.00 | |
Fults, Luella | $ 4.00 | Rapp, Fred G. | $ 15.00 | |
Gaertner, Mrs. Minnie and daughters | $ 100.00 | Rainer, Mr. and Mrs Sid | $ 10.00 | |
Gauen, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. and family | $ 50.00 | Rabberman, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jr. | $ 4.00 | |
Gauen, Mr. and Mrs. Albert | $ 15.00 | Rabberman, Wm. Sr. | $ 1.00 | |
Gardner, Mrs. Albert R. | $ 8.00 | Rey, Mr. and Mrs. Charles | $ 150.00 | |
Gauen, Lavina | $ 5.00 | Rexroth, O. J. and family | $ 100.00 | |
Gatzert, Mrs. Mary | $ 5.00 | Rehling, Mr. and Mrs. Louis N. | $ 50.00 | |
Gerhardt, Peter | $ 25.00 | Rehling, Mrs. Minnie | $ 25.00 | |
Gleiber, Mr. and Mrs. Walter | $ 75.00 | Rexroth, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. | $ 25.00 | |
Gleiber, Mr. and Mrs. Kasper | $ 50.00 | Reis, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar A. | $ 25.00 | |
Gleiber, Hulda | $ 25.00 | Rehling, Rodella | $ 15.00 | |
Gleiber, Edna | $ 10.00 | Rehling, Ed | $ 10.00 | |
Goeddel, Mr. and Mrs. Edw. G. and family | $ 265.00 | Reitz, Mrs. Eva | $ 10.00 | |
Goeddel, Mr. and Mrs. Emil J. | $ 200.00 | Reinmuth, Mrs. Adam | $ 5.00 | |
Goeddel, Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. | $ 50.00 | Rickert Luella C. | $ 100.00 | |
Goeddel, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. | $ 50.00 | Ritzel, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jr. | $ 40.00 | |
Goeddel, Mr. and Mrs. Otto G. | $ 50.00 | Ritzel, Mrs. Adam | $ 15.00 | |
Goeddel, Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. | $ 50.00 | Ripplemeyer, Emil | $ 15.00 | |
Goeddel, Mrs. George A. P. and Jacob L. | $ 25.00 | Ripplemeyer, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Sr. | $ 15.00 | |
Goeddel, Olivia | $ 25.00 | Ripplemeyer, Mr. and Mrs. Albert | $ 10.00 | |
Goeddel, Mr. and Mrs. Gustave | $ 25.00 | Ritzel, Edwin | $ 5.00 | |
Goeddel, Mr. and Mrs. Victor | $ 25.00 | Ritzel, Carl | $ 5.00 | |
Goeddel, Mamie | $ 25.00 | Rodemeyer, Mrs. Mary | $ 25.00 | |
Goeddel, Elmer | $ 25.00 | Rochenschuh, Hulda | $ 5.00 | |
Goeddel, Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. | $ 20.00 | Rueck, Charles and Lena and Rudolph Oehler | $ 100.00 | |
Goeddel, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob L. and family | $ 20.00 | Ruhle, Mr. and Mrs. Henry | $ 25.00 | |
Goeddel, Viola | $ 10.00 | Ruch, Harry A. | $ 5.00 | |
Goeddel, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph | $ 10.00 | Rudolph, Edna | $ 5.00 | |
Goeddel, Mr. and Mrs. Otto L. | $ 10.00 | Soteriades, Mrs. Mary | $ 500.00 | |
Goeddel, Mr. and Mrs. Gus C. | $ 10.00 | Satter, Caroline | $ 10.00 | |
Goeddel, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred | $ 10.00 | Satter, Emma J. | $ 10.00 | |
Goeddel, Mr. and Mrs. George | $ 10.00 | Satter, George | $ 5.00 | |
Goeddel, Mr. and Mrs. Dan | $ 10.00 | Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Light Standards in honor of Mrs. Eliz. Loehr, deceased, Schmidt Mrs. F. | $ 250.00 | |
Goeddel, Mrs. Catherine | $ 10.00 | Schmidt, Mrs. John F. | $ 80.00 | |
Goeddel, Emil C. | $ 10.00 | Sass, Mrs. Charles | $ 20.00 | |
Goeddel, Lena | $ 10.00 | Schulmeister, F. E. and family | $ 100.00 | |
Goeddel, Joseph T. | $ 5.00 | Schewe, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. And family | $ 100.00 | |
Goeddel, Mr. and Mrs. Armin C. | $ 5.00 | Schewe, Mr. and Mrs. Fred | $ 100.00 | |
Goeddel, John | $ 1.00 | Scarsdale, Mrs. Ida | $ 50.00 | |
Grosse, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. | $ 1,000.00 | Schneider, Adam | $ 50.00 | |
Grosse, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. | $ 300.00 | Schneider, Henry | $ 25.00 | |
Grosse, Bertha | $ 50.00 | Scheiber, Mr. and Mrs. H. | $ 25.00 | |
Grosse, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jr. | $ 50.00 | Scarsdale, C. W. | $ 25.00 | |
Gregson, Russel R. and family | $ 50.00 | Schmidt, Wm. B. | $ 25.00 | |
Grosse, Mrs. Louise | $ 30.00 | Schewe, Mr. and Mrs. Charles | $ 25.00 | |
Grosse, Alma | $ 25.00 | Schmeid, Mrs. Anna | $ 15.00 | |
Grosse, Mr. and Mrs. Louis | $ 25.00 | Schliebe, Max | $ 15.00 | |
Grosse, Emma | $ 10.00 | Schorr, H. O. | $ 10.00 | |
Greatting, Wm. | $ 10.00 | Schulze, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph | $ 10.00 | |
Gruber, Mr. and Mrs. Louis | $ 10.00 | Schmidt, Walter | $ 10.00 | |
Griot, Charles | $ 5.00 | Schaeffer, Sina and Amanda | $ 10.00 | |
Griot, Mr. and Mrs. John | $ 1.00 | Schaeffer, Emil | $ 5.00 | |
Griot, Ed | $ 1.00 | Schellhardt, Gus | $ 5.00 | |
Gummersheimer, Mr., Mrs. A. J. | $ 2.00 | Schroeder, Henry | $ 5.00 | |
Hauptfleisch, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. | $ 200.00 | Schmidt, Mrs. Mary (Balzer) | $ 5.00 | |
Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. George | $ 150.00 | Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. | $ 5.00 | |
Hartman, Marcellus | $ 100.00 | Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry | $ 5.00 | |
Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. | $ 100.00 | Schulze, Herman | $ 5.00 | |
Hartman, Emil A. | $ 50.00 | Schneider, Edward E. | $ 5.00 | |
Hartman, Mrs. Emil | $ 25.00 | Schneider, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. | $ 5.00 | |
Harper, Mrs. L. J. | $ 25.00 | Schneider, Mrs. Ida | $ 3.00 | |
Hauptfleisch, Bertha | $ 25.00 | Schlngman, Mrs. | $ 1.00 | |
Hauptfleisch, Mrs. Elizabeth | $ 10.00 | Schmale, Mrs. Christina | $ 0.10 | |
Haltenhof, Mrs. Caroline | $ 10.00 | Sennott, Mrs. J. S. | $ 25.00 | |
Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. Russel A. | $ 10.00 | Sennott, Ethel | $ 20.00 | |
Haller, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. | $ 5.00 | Sennott, Adele | $ 10.00 | |
Heine, Alfred H. | $ 1,000.00 | Seyler, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob | $ 25.00 | |
Heyl, Mr. and Mrs. Albert | $ 250.00 | Seyler, Mrs. Mary | $ 5.00 | |
Heyl, W. C. | $ 225.00 | Sensel, Peter | $ 5.00 | |
Heyl, Mrs. W. C. | $ 100.00 | Sensel, Charles | $ 1.00 | |
Hermann, Mr. and Mrs. John | $ 100.00 | Mr. and Mrs. Herman Siedle | $ 30.00 | |
Heyl, Mr. and Mrs. U. J. | $ 75.00 | Siegel, Mrs. August | $ 30.00 | |
Hermann, George P. | $ 25.00 | Siegel, Clara | $ 20.00 | |
Heinrich, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur | $ 20.00 | Sprankel, Charles and family | $ 5.00 | |
Heiken, Louis J. | $ 20.00 | Stroh, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. | $ 250.00 | |
Heintz, Jacob | $ 15.00 | Stallman, Dr. and Mrs. E. F. | $ 200.00 | |
Heurer, Mr. and Mrs. George A. | $ 15.00 | Stemmler, Mr. and Mrs. Philip | $ 200.00 | |
Hempfling, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. | $ 15.00 | Stumpf, Mrs. Louis | $ 100.00 | |
Hermann, Mrs. Margaret | $ 10.00 | Steinman, Mr. and Mrs. Henry | $ 50.00 | |
Hermann, Clyde | $ 10.00 | Stroh, Armin | $ 50.00 | |
Helmkamp, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. | $ 10.00 | Stenzel, Mr. and Mrs. Fred | $ 25.00 | |
Heusohn, Henry | $ 10.00 | Stockburger, Augusta | $ 25.00 | |
Heise, Mr. and Mrs. Christ | $ 5.00 | Stumpf, Mr. and Mrs. Ben | $ 25.00 | |
Hlavsa, Mrs. John | $ 5.00 | Stumpf, Wm. | $ 25.00 | |
Hoffman, A. H. | $ 100.00 | Stahlman, Mr. and Mrs. Mat | $ 20.00 | |
Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles | $ 20.00 | Stiening, Mr. and Mrs. August F. | $ 15.00 | |
Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Peter | $ 15.00 | Strodt, Mr. and Mrs. Albert | $ 10.00 | |
Hoffman, Henry | $ 15.00 | Stumpf, Mrs. Herman | $ 5.00 | |
Hoffman, Emil | $ 15.00 | Stiering, Wm. | $ 5.00 | |
Hoffman, Mary | $ 15.00 | Stadler, Mrs. M. | $ 1.00 | |
Hoffman, Albert | $ 10.00 | Sunday School St. P. Evang | $ 155.74 | |
Hoffman, George A. | $ 10.00 | Susewind, Mr. and Mrs. Fred | $ 60.00 | |
Hoffman, Philip | $ 10.00 | Susewind, Lillian | $ 10.00 | |
Horine, Mrs. E. E. | $ 5.00 | Susewind, Lavina | $ 10.00 | |
Horine, Harriet | $ 2.50 | Susewind, Otto | $ 10.00 | |
Jansen, Charles and wife | $ 20.00 | Susewind, Arved | $ 10.00 | |
Jaenke, Lucille | $ 5.00 | Tebbenhoff, Mr. and Mrs. Fred | $ 10.00 | |
Jehling, Wm. L. | $ 10.00 | Theobald, Mrs. Jacob | $ 20.00 | |
Jehling, Charles F. | $ 5.00 | Theobald, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur | $ 15.00 | |
Jehling, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob P. | $ 5.00 | Trustees Evang. Church | $ 23,050.00 | |
Jost, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. | $ 200.00 | Trustees, A. L. Kolmer, Secretary (Corner Stone Laying) | $ 216.78 | |
Joedicke, John, Louis, Harry, Ella | $ 50.00 | Trost, Mrs. Caroline | $ 20.00 | |
Jobusch, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. | $ 26.85 | Trost, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. | $ 10.00 | |
Joedicke, Mrs. Margaret K. | $ 25.00 | Van Buren, Mrs. J. | $ 5.00 | |
Jobb, Mrs. Emma | $ 20.00 | Voelker, Mr. and Mrs. Theobald | $ 50.00 | |
Jobusch, Gertrude | $ 15.00 | Voris, H. C. | $ 50.00 | |
Joedicke, Mr. and Mrs. Fred and family | $ 10.00 | Vogel, Rose | $ 20.00 | |
Kaemper, Henry C. | $ 100.00 | Wallhaus, Mr. and Mrs. Herman | $ 100.00 | |
Kaugman, Mr. and Mrs. Grover | $ 25.00 | Wallhaus, Mr. and Mrs. Henry | $ 100.00 | |
Kalmer, Wm. F. | $ 25.00 | Wallhaus, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. | $ 50.00 | |
Kalmer, Henry J. | $ 5.00 | Wallhaus, Louis H. | $ 25.00 | |
Keim, Mr. and Mrs. A. Louis | $ 50.00 | Wagner, Aug. M. | $ 25.00 | |
Keim, J. Adam | $ 5.00 | Wagner, Milton | $ 10.00 | |
Killy, Mrs. Louisa | $ 100.00 | Waltz, Philip | $ 5.00 | |
Killy, Wm. | $ 25.00 | Walz, Charles | $ 5.00 | |
Killy, Elenore | $ 25.00 | Washausen, August | $ 4.00 | |
Kissel, Mrs. | $ 6.00 | Washausen, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. | $ 2.00 | |
Kleyer, Mrs. Otto | $ 3.00 | Werling, Mr. and Mrs. Geo., family | $ 150.00 | |
Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob | $ 100.00 | Weihl, Louis A. and family | $ 100.00 | |
Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. Henry | $ 30.00 | Weihl, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob | $ 75.00 | |
Koenigsmark Family (Grand piano) | $ 643.50 | Wessel, Mr. and Mrs. Herman | $ 75.00 | |
Koenigsmark, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. | $ 500.00 | Wetzel, Mr. and Mrs. Adam | $ 50.00 | |
Kolmer, Mr. and Mrs. Emil | $ 500.00 | Weihl, Mr. and Mrs. Christian | $ 50.00 | |
Kolmer, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad | $ 500.00 | Weihl, Peter | $ 25.00 | |
Kolmer, Mr. and Mrs. Louis | $ 300.00 | Wetzel, Mr. and Mrs. John | $ 25.00 | |
Koenigsmark, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. | $ 300.00 | Wehmeyer, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. | $ 25.00 | |
Kolmer, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. | $ 250.00 | Weitkamp, Mr. and Mrs. Herm. | $ 25.00 | |
Kolmer, Henry | $ 200.00 | Werling, Lydia | $ 25.00 | |
Kolmer, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. | $ 100.00 | Werling, Dorothy | $ 25.00 | |
Kolmer, Mr. and Mrs. Richard | $ 100.00 | Werling, Louise | $ 25.00 | |
Kolmer, Otto P. | $ 100.00 | Werling, Elenore | $ 25.00 | |
Koenigsmark, Mrs. Friederike | $ 100.00 | Weihl, Elsie | $ 20.00 | |
Koenigsmark, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. | $ 100.00 | Weltig, Mrs. Julius | $ 10.00 | |
Koenigsmark, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. | $ 100.00 | Wetzel, Mr. and Mrs. Julius | $ 10.00 | |
Koenigsmark, Robert J. | $ 100.00 | Wetzig, Anna | $ 5.00 | |
Kolmer, Marie | $ 50.00 | Wedel, Mrs. Adam | $ 5.00 | |
Koechel, Henry | $ 50.00 | Whiteside, August | $ 1.00 | |
Kolmer, Albert | $ 25.00 | Wissmath, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene | $ 200.00 | |
Kolmer, Louis C. | $ 25.00 | Wischmeyer, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. | $ 100.00 | |
Kolmer, Edw. H. | $ 25.00 | Wichser, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob | $ 25.00 | |
Kolmer, Oliver E. | $ 25.00 | Wirth, Mr. and Mrs. Christ | $ 20.00 | |
Kopp, Mr. and Mrs. George | $ 25.00 | Williams, Mrs. Al | $ 10.00 | |
Kopp, Mr. and Mrs. Albert | $ 10.00 | Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. | $ 50.00 | |
Koch, Wm. | $ 10.00 | Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. Emil W. | $ 50.00 | |
Koch, Mrs. Wm. | $ 5.00 | Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. | $ 40.00 | |
Koch, Raymond | $ 5.00 | Wolf, Gertrude M. | $ 15.00 | |
Kraft, Mr. and Mrs. Adam | $ 100.00 | Young People's League St. P. Evangelical | $ 4,573.00 | |
Kraft, Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. | $ 50.00 | Ziebold, George W. | $ 1,000.00 | |
Kraft, Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. | $ 25.00 | Zimmer, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. P. | $ 50.00 | |
Kraft, Mr. and Mrs. George | $ 25.00 | Zimmer, Mrs. Sophia | $ 50.00 | |
Kraft, Mr. and Mrs. Emil | $ 25.00 | Zimmer, Mrs. Elizabeth | $ 25.00 | |
Kraft, Emma | $ 10.00 | Zimmer, Mathilda C. | $ 25.00 | |
Kraft, Mrs. Philip | $ 5.00 | Zimmer, Wm. P. | $ 5.00 |