The Waterloo Times Friday, April 23, 1915 Entertained Relatives On April 16, G.C. Smith & Sons, drainage contractors at Valmeyer, entertained tour automobile loads of their nieces and nephews and their families who motored down from Edwardsville and vicinity to witness the opening of Moredock Lake into the new ditch and to spend the day with relatives. In the party were Mrs. Mary S. Miller and son Frank, Mr. and Mrs. John Rinkel, Mr. and Mrs. George Rinkel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rinkel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rinkel, and Mr. and Mrs. Take, parents of Mrs. Frank Rinkel. It was great sport for the Rinkel brothers to see the draglines throw out fish with the mud and water. After spending a delightful day, the parted started for home at 4 p.m., one and all declaring they had spent a splendid time.