Misc. Newspaper Articles and Tidbits of News

from Around the County 1908

Waterloo Republican – May 7, 1908


Mayor Hill spent Saturday at the County seat.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schmidt visited Alton relatives the past week.

Rudolph Steinbrecher made a business trip to St. Louis Saturday.

A new baby daughter arrived at the house of Mrs. J. F. Schmidt this week.

The old Brickey School house was sold at public sale by the board of trustees for forty-five dollars. Chas Fehr was the buyer.

Buss Bros. of St. Louis were here last week and put a new point on the steeple of the Evangelical church. The figure is made of copper and the steeple now presents a very neat appearance.

Henry Calley of Sparta and Mr. Hess of Waterloo, were here last Saturday inspecting the proposed sidewalks. Mr. Calley makes a specialty of sidewalks and has filed a bid for the job here.


Waterloo Republican – May 7, 1908

News (not sure which town)

Thomas R. Morgan began the work of filling the dike at Whiteside Street on Monday morning. The dike was under mined some time ago and threatened to wash away entirely.

The annual school picnic of the Columbia Public School will take place on Pentecost Monday at Turner Park. The usual street parade in the morning will take place to the park.

The mail carrier reports that the road district of Chas Metter in Sugar Loaf Township is about the best on his route. Mr. Meter uses the drag when the ground is just right for its use.

Mr. Jacob Eckert of St. Louis spent Tuesday in Columbia getting pointers in the Milling business. Mr. Eckert will accept a position with the Edwardsville Milling Co. lately organized by Mr. E. F. Schoening.

J. H. LaTurno has opened an ice cream parlor in the Landgraf building on North Main Street in St. Paul. The place has been nicely furnished and is clean and attractive. We wish Mr. LaTurno the best of success.

Mr. Louis Weihl and family of Moredock spent Tuesday here the guests of Fred Durrer and wife. Mr. Weihl is gathering names for his petition as candidate for Circuit Clerk on the Republican ticket. Mr. Weihl stands well with our people, and will receive hearty support.

The graduating exercises of the public school will take place at Turner Hall on Friday, May 29. A program consisting of dialogues, recitation, music, etc., will be rendered. The program will begin at 1:30 p.m. A collection will be taken up as in former years for the benefit of the public school library.

Emil Pieffer will in the near future open a moving picture show in the Harmacek house on Main Street. Mr. Pieffer lately moved here from St. Louis. He will equip the place with a modern machine, and will make the necessary changes in the building in regard to the safety of the audience. He expects to be ready to open his amusement resort next month.

Dr. M. G. Nixon who has in charge the arrangements for the Decoration Day exercises has completed his plans. At 1 o'clock P.M. the G. A. R. Post and the Sons of Veterans with other civic organizations will form a parade to the cemeteries where the graves will be decorated. After this a meeting will be held at Turner Hall where Rev. J. B. House of East St. Louis will address the audience. Mayor H. N. Kunz has proclaimed Saturday afternoon. May go on a half-holiday, and invites the business men to close their respective places of business in order that all may join in a celebration of the day.

The following children will make their first communion at the Church of the Immaculate Conception on Pentecost: George Fischer, Louis Habermehl, Alphons Beckerle, George Morgan, John Wenkel, Henry Joseph Mosbacher, Julius C. Wecker, Jacob Mosbacher, Henry Steppig, Henry Mosbacher, Hy Lepp, John A. Khehner, Louis Kolmer, Henry Weber, Anna Laoriox, Mary Weilbacher, Clara Steffenauer, Tillie Steppig, Laura Horcher, Lottie Schneider, Helena Beckerle, Emma Mees, Anna Kruse, Louisa Mesur, Minnie Mueller. Father H, Goosens has made good improvements in the school of the Catholic Church and work is reflected in his pupils.


Waterloo Republican – May 7, 1908


Joseph Meyer lost two very valuable cows last week.

Joseph Frank lost one of his horses one day last week.

Redle the cigar man from Waterloo gave us a pleasant call Tuesday.

Mart Johnson from Waterloo was a business caller at the Point one day last week.

Mrs. Fred Durrer from Columbia was visiting friends and relatives the past week near the point and vicinity.

Louis Weihl was transacting business in Valmeyer Thursday. While there he had the pleasure of being shown through the New Valmeyer Mill.


Waterloo Republican – May 7, 1908


Mrs. J. Allen is on the sick list for the last week.

Joe Kemper and family were seen in out town Sunday.

Miss Carrie Wolter of Belleville, Ills., is visiting relatives here.

Mr. Briley and family of St. Louis are visiting Mr. P. Eich of here.

Very few of our farmers here have no corn in, on account of the rain.

John Croix has resigned from the depot and Charley Cramer has taken his place.


Waterloo Republican – May 7, 1908


Fish fever is again prevalent.

Mr. Chas Fischer of Waterloo visited in Maeystown Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Phil Becker of St. Louis Sundayed in Maeystown.

Corn planting and other farm work, way behind on account of the too much rain.

The Maeystown congregation decided to give their annual Picnic Pentecost Monday.


Waterloo Republican – May 7, 1908


The following children received the first Holy Communion last Sunday May 24th at Renault Catholic Church: Walter Joseph Bertram, Benjamin Reid, Joseph Stahlschmidt, Clara Magdalena Harsy, Wilhelmine Meyers, Catherine Kunkel, Mary Catharine Laforge,. A large congregation being present at this solemn celebration.


Waterloo Republican – May 7, 1908


Plenty of rain at present.

Wm. Horn is still on the sick list.

Our farmers are way behind planting corn on account of the rain.

A party of young people made a fishing trip to the bottom Sunday, they only caught two fish, but reported an enjoyable time.

The correspondent last week forgot to put in the score of the ball game that was played, the score was 2 to 4 in favor of the Stars. The lineup of the Stars are Chas Roediger, C; Henry Buettner, p; Fred Roediger, 1 b and Mgr. Geo. Buettner, 2 b; John Buettner, 3 b; Fred Kohlmier, s s; Theo Kohlmeier, rf; Otto Kohlmeier, cf; John Van Buern, lf.