1920 Confirmation Class

St. Peter's E&R Church, Burksville, Illinois


Click Photo to enlarge.

Note from submitter Janet Flynn,  Maybe someone out there can identify some of these "kids". My uncle, Harvey Schneider, is third from the right in the front row. He was born in 1907. I don't know at what age the E&R confirmed kids, so someone who does can do the math. Perhaps 1917-1920?  The date on the envelope was 1919. 


Dorothy (Pohlmann) Noelken has been able to date this picture as well as give name to those in it.  Thank you Dorothy. 


Identifying the 1920 confirmation class on this picture as:

1st row (L to R) Irene Miller, Herman Jerger, Harvey Schneider, Reinhold Jerger, [unidentified girl]

2nd row (L to R) Pastor Jerger, Emil Hesterberg, Theodore Jerger, William Huebner, Adolph Lange, Otto Hoffmann and Erwin Hoffmann.


Source: pg 3, "The Life Story of A Church", 1874 – 1989, St. Peter Evangelical United Church of Christ, Burksville , Illinois , published during its 115th year anniversary.